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October Drawing Competition
My Little Davinci and the Big Draw Festival 2021:
Along with the launch of our brand new club, this month we are running a drawing competition for The Big Draw Festival 2021. The Big Draw is a pioneering visual literacy charity dedicated to raising the profile of drawing as a tool for wellbeing, thought, creativity, social and cultural engagement. The Big Draw Festival is the world’s biggest celebration of drawing. This year, the festival theme is Make The Change:
‘Sustainable and successful living is equally about how we interact with the world around us; it’s about kindness shown to nature and our natural world but also kindness shown to each other.’
Let’s celebrate our living green spaces!
To enter our competition, simply go outside and draw your favourite living green space. It could be your garden, your park, your local forest, even a patch of grass! Take a pic of your artwork and send it in via Instagram DM, email us at: info@mylittledavinci.co.uk or post your pic to Instagram and use the hashtag #mylittledavinciclub: The winner will receive a £100 voucher to spend across the 2tech range of products, which of course includes our My Little Davinci frames!
Deadline and judging process: Once you've submitted your entry, your artwork will be reviewed before being published on our brand new My Little Davinci Club members' page. We will also share a selection of the drawings on our Instagram account. We would love you to share your art too! So tag our account @mylittledavinciuk on Instagram and use our hashtag #mylittledavinciclub so we can find your submissions.
The deadline for entrants is October 31st. The winner will be announced on 10th November.
Competition Terms and Conditions
'There is always time for art!'